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Old 12-30-2023, 01:07 PM
Bogie Shooter Bogie Shooter is offline
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Originally Posted by jimjamuser View Post
1st of all, you have a right to feel safe in your own home. I just wanted to remind people that killing anything or wounding them involves mental anguish. That is why I would recommend a shotgun for home self defense. Unless someone is an expert pistol shot their hands will tremble and aim would be difficult. With a shot gun there is less trembling because of the placement of the 2 hands and also the shot spreads out and is less likely to go through walls and unintentionally hit a child or someone in another room - versus a bullet from a pistol. Another positive with a shotgun is that it looks more INTIMIDATING. Also a pistol takes practice and a shotgun really does NOT.
.......There are also LEGALITIES to think about. Of which I have zero expertise.
Why not an AR-15, that seems to be the norm for killing civilians? Your post is disgusting.
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