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Old 01-01-2024, 05:54 PM
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Originally Posted by jimjamuser View Post
If we, the US, solved world hunger or even found a partial solution to the problem, we would have fewer illegals entering our Southern Border and costing the US and our US cities IMMEASURABLE wasted money. Just for a long ago historical example, the passenger pigeon is now extinct due to thoughtless greed and zero future thinking. If they were NOT extinct today, they could be a great source of protein. Maybe they could have outproduced chickens as protein - we will never know.
........That is just one example of man's greed DISRUPTING NATURE. The US (and other countries) are uprooting and destroying forests to build houses and for mineral development. Nature can be destroyed quickly, but takes a long time to rebuild.
..........Sometimes, like the passenger pigeon, the time period IS...............................................N EVER !!!!!!
Ummm---I would have absolutely ZERO illegal aliens crossing our Southern Border----all it takes is a triple razor wire fence, a machine gun tower every 100 yards and a 200 yard wide minefield----hence I wouldn't be wasting a single penny on them.