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Old 01-02-2024, 03:10 AM
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Default Tobogan

Originally Posted by La lamy View Post
I end up needing 2 sets of socks, underwear, shirts per day when I exercise twice a day (there's lots to do!!), therefore 14 of each. But that's because I like to only do laundry once a week. For pickleball, I layer when it's cold: shorts and t-shirt under long sweat pants, and a light long sleeve zip-up jersey. If it's very cold early in the morning I also have a wind breaker on top, tuque and gloves. It usually always warms up enough to shed it all to the bottom layer, so have a bag ready to put all the layers into. Try not to forget them at the courts! If you do, you may find them at the lost and found of the rec centre closest to the courts.

If you go to the square at night, some people like to dress up, and many are casual. Your choice. The restaurants also can either be casual or dressy, as you choose. Most people stay casual I find. Enjoy your time here!
Learned some new words. Thanks! Tobogan is what we called em growing up in Louisville.
Beanie, Toboggan, Tuque, Toque and Touque - Are they the same wool hat? — WELAN