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Old 01-10-2024, 09:48 AM
nn0wheremann nn0wheremann is offline
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Originally Posted by paulat585 View Post
Hi Guys, I have a Dell Inspiron 15 which has been working well enough until Dell installed an update a few weeks ago. Now it is painfully slow to load in the morning. Took almost an hour this morning to open my Chrome browser. If I call up the task manager, I can close a few unneeded things to speed it up a little. I've used the Windows cleanup and the free AVG one. Task manager says my disk use is usually 100% but I don't know what that means. The other things on the Task Manager I can get down to about 65%. Any recommendations for things I can do on my own to help this problem? Thanks
First, install a lightweight browser such as Opera. Then remove Chome and reinstall the latest version. Then go to the Dell website and download the correct drivers and install them.