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Old 01-10-2024, 06:50 PM
Erider Erider is offline
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Originally Posted by blueash View Post
Well, perhaps rather than just stating it was "up quite a bit" in some major cities, you could present evidence. And show us that it was up in several major cities not forgetting to also look to see if it was down in several major cities. I provided a link where you can look at data including crime data by size of the community. And in cities of over a million... In 2023.. Crime was down both violent and property.

As to your belief that it was way up in San Francisco. Sorry, once again the media has deluded you and perception is not reality. San Francisco data is very available HERE. It shows that crime is down in 2023 with property crimes like shoplifting having peaked in 2017. The 2023 rate of theft is the lowest since 2012.
LOL. Yeah, things are just rosy in SF. When you have two successive DAs that plead felonies down to misdemeanors and don't prosecute misdemeanors, your crime rate magically goes down. Yippee for bogus stats. Things are so good in SF the voters recalled the last DA, Walgreens shut down dozens of stores, and they have human excrement adorning the sidewalks.