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Old 01-13-2024, 06:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Byte1 View Post
Hmm, I wonder which warms the oceans more, underwater volcano eruptions or mankind? About 20 years ago, I happened upon a military website that had sonar and ice thickness readings at the poles. Interesting that according to the military, the ice at the poles was melting from underneath the ice due to the warming ocean water.
As for limiting child birth because "some" folks believe we are too crowded, I don't subscribe to the idea. I believe that family size should be left up to the individuals, not the government. I am sure that mankind will kill itself out way before climate change has a chance to evolve into an emergency situation.
And I agree....up to the point that those individuals turn to the government (meaning us taxpayers) to support the "family size" that they have chosen.