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Old 01-19-2024, 09:06 PM
Nell57 Nell57 is offline
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Originally Posted by Oneiric View Post
A similar thing happened to me several years ago at Mangrove executive golf course, where a woman golfer, after finishing a par 3, watched our group tee off, proceeded to pick my my ball on the green and go to her next tee. After catching up with her, I realized she felt completely comfortable knowingly taking someone else's ball. Amazing.
I find it hard to believe that she finished her hole, then just stood there while your group teed off.
I suggest there may have been an alternate scenario.
A group of women golfers, followed by a group of men golfers.
The men think game play is going too slow, and tee off while the women are still on the green.
I have been “hit into” a few times in my golfing career.
I don’t leave their ball lying there. I pick it up and take it with me.
Just once the man approached me. I returned it, and asked that he not hit into me again.
The rest of the time…..
When the ambassador came by I gave the ball to him. I asked him to return it to the gentleman behind me. With a conversation on golf etiquette.
What I’ve never seen happen is a golfer stand by the green, waiting for the next group to tee off. Then running out on the green and stealing his golf ball. Never seen that one.