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Old 01-20-2024, 08:29 AM
Paporter Paporter is offline
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Default Golfing Points

There are no “placement” points. There are reservation points and playing points. Each time you play you get 1pt for the reservation and 1pt for playing, which last for 7 days. These points accumulate every time you play for 7 days. If you cancel or are a no show, you accumulate 3pts.

People drive from exec course to exec course throughout the day to play. They do not realize that they are accumulating points. So when they play in a group and a TT Request is input, the TT system may kick the group out, because of too many points. The average weekly points to have is 3 to 4 to play in a group. However, during season it doesn’t matter if you have zero points, because the system and requests is over run by too many people playing golf during this time. Hence the reason why people drive from course to course looking for open spots verses using the automated TT System.

Please attend the New to Golf School, which is free. To best educate yourself on how to use the automated TT System.

Happy Golfing!