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Old 01-20-2024, 11:39 AM
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Originally Posted by rustyp View Post
Excellent - you understand the system.
Most golfers complaining about their group not getting tee times in high season do not understand the preferred placement part of the point system. At 1:37:37 of the video it is explained. It takes some concentrated listening to totally digest it. I perhaps can help - Think of it as two tiers - 1 your placement priority 2 your usage points.Your placement tier is the first hierarchy in the algorithm then the points usage average kicks in. Thus everyone with the highest placement priority followed by rank order usage points only within that placement category comes first. Then the same thing starts all over for the second highest placement category.
My experience is golfers that play championship courses often usually have a grip on this. Very few executive groups realize there is both a placement and point categories.
Thank you!