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Old 01-20-2024, 01:01 PM
fdpaq0580 fdpaq0580 is offline
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Originally Posted by Byte1 View Post
Thank you for your response. I am not questioning the data suggesting a period of global warming. I am still waiting for some/ANY proof that man has anything to do with cyclic Climate Change. Seems to me that if man is responsible for warm periods in our world history, then our world should have been in an ICE AGE 100% of the period before man existed. Yes, that's just me being facetious, but the reasoning on this subject seems to be that "man inhabits earth, the temperature is warmer, therefore man is responsible." I don't want an opinion, I want real, substantial physical evidence to justify spending trillions of bucks on the subject.
I appreciate what I feel is your genuine lack of understanding of the real and substantial physical evidence. No one can give you that which you, for whatever reason, cannot or will not accept. My first suggestion is to look at the fact that 97% of the world's (not just US) scientists believe in human caused global warming is real. That should be clue #1. Is it really possible that this is a world wide hoax by over 200 nations, many of whom don't get along or are at war with one another. Start looking critically at the evidence from both sides of the issue, see which is most convincing, the mountains of data showing it is real, or the smaller, mostly anecdotal or misstatements claims saying it's not real.
Occasionally, Chicken Little is used to discredit a so called alarmist. In a chicken world, who would listen to? The 97% of smartest looking up and warning of the roof caving in, or the 3% with their heads down trying to peck up the most grain saying it's all a lot of bs.