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Old 01-21-2024, 09:32 AM
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Originally Posted by NoMo50 View Post
There really is no need to go too deep into the woods when thinking about this. Again, the algorithm used by the system is very complex, but it does a really good job of keeping the assignment of tee times as fair as possible.

First off, the Placement points and Reservation points are not added together. They are considered separately, with Placement points being looked at first. Everyone has Placement points, but not everyone has Reservation points. When you make a request in the system, you will not see the Placement points (which are calculated in the background) for your group, but you will see each golfer's Reservation points. All requests are first prioritized according to the average number of Placement points for the group. Then, average Reservation points for the group are applied, and prioritized again. It is possible for a group with a higher average of Reservation points to have priority over another group, if their average of Placement points is lower.

But...this is mostly important only on Championship courses, where the Enhanced members have a big advantage in the Placement point category. For executive course play, all residents are treated the same as far as Placement points go, with the only difference being guests, which carry one point more than residents.

And, you must remember that Reservation points are a constantly moving target, as the system looks at the previous 7 days. As an example, if you submit a request on a Thursday to play the next week on Thursday, you will see the Reservation points assigned to each golfer in your group. But, those point values can, and likely will, change before the next week. It is not the point values shown when you make the request that is the point values each golfer has when the request goes into the system. In this Thursday example, your request will go into the system at 12:01am on Monday morning. The points that each golfer has at that time are what count for your group. So, a golfer that had 2 points when you made the request on Thursday could easily have 4 points, or zero points, by Monday morning.

Sorry for the long winded response. Hopefully this helps explain a little about how the system works, and maybe help folks understand the reason behind not getting a tee time. For simplicity's sake, just think of it this way: If you mostly play Executive courses, don't even think about Placement points, unless your group has a guest. If so, understand your group will have a lower priority than groups made up entirely or residents. When playing Championship courses, know that groups made up of Enhanced members will always have priority over groups of non-Enhanced members.

Most edifying. Thank you!