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Old 01-22-2024, 05:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
Okey, Dokey, but this one comes with a WARNING: It has a whole lot of use of the eff-word, but that's how some people talk now on these shows, so I guess my ears are little numb to it.....

That, though, is not my reason for issuing a WARNING! The warning is because of about 4 very short scenes where the characters talk about some disgusting, offensive experiences. I almost turned it off with the first one. That kind of writing could easily have been edited out, but I guess some writers think their audiences like to be shocked. Nearly grossed me out. They were just talking about the stuff, not doing it, but still gross -- mercifully short talking though and I am glad we did not turn it off.....But just don't forget I WARNED you.....

So anyway, the show is Loudermilk. Loudermilk is a recovering alcoholic who runs a counseling group for alcohol and drug-addicted people who are trying to stay sober. The characters are interesting, and the writing is sharp-witted and darkly funny -- except for the few gross paragraphs of dialogue I could have done without.

Loudermilk, the main character, says things like we have probably all wished we could say. There is some excellent satire on various, annoying character-types we often meet in real life that is woven into the script. Loudermilk lets them know what he thinks of them. (And I almost always agreed with him.)

The priest in the church where the group meets is as interesting to see as the characters in the group.

So, if you are not a delicate flower, you might like Loudermilk. I debated about recommending it due to a few really offensive lines, but I decided I could do that here. I have friends in real life though that I know would be horrified.

But as far as the parts that offended me are concerned, I am very glad that I did not throw out the baby with bathwater.


(I think it was either Amazon or Netflix.)
Ha. I'm already about halfway through it. Yes, great series.