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Old 01-25-2024, 07:19 AM
ThirdOfFive ThirdOfFive is offline
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Originally Posted by MplsPete View Post
Searching images, I see very few with seat belts.
This website suggests you must have them, if top speed is over 20:
(During our Lifestyle Visit, we did not have belts.)
"Based on CPSC statistics, roughly 40% of golf car accidents involve a person falling out of the car, and many of these accidents involve young children. In addition to ejection accidents, approximately 10% of golf car accidents involve a rollover and statistics indicate that such accidents are roughly twice as likely to lead to injuries requiring a hospital stay as non-rollover accidents." ("Golf Cart Occupant Ejections" Technology Associates Website)

Our cart didn't have seat belts when we bought it, but Amazon has one-size-fits-most seat belt kits (I think I paid $45) and a half hour with a drill and a wrench did the trick. We always wear them when traveling in the cart.