Thread: Girl Talk
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Old 10-15-2009, 02:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Barefoot View Post
I always wished I could have lived two parallel lives. The first one child free with an interesting career. And the second, as a stay-at-home mom with six kids and a wonderful, supportive husband. Since we only get one life to live, I choose Door Number One.

It got me thinking about the many choices we make during our lifetime, and how they change our lives.
Bare, Even though you say you sometimes experience remorse when you see the mothers and daughters who are in relationships with strong bonds, life does not guarantee this as your friend who wishes she’d never had kids indicated.

Your idea of living parallel lives would be an interesting option. I opted for a scaled down version of door number two. When our son was born I was lucky enough to take six months off of work. I ended up going back to work until he turned three years old when we made the executive decision for me to become a stay-at-home mother. I never regretted that choice, not even one day. Being able to connect with our son and watch him mature into a well balanced happy individual who contributes to society was invaluable.

Nevertheless, I did have one regret nagging at the core of my soul and that was not earning a college degree. In 2004 I took the bull by the horns and re-entered college. Oh it was a tough go, especially that first semester back. The hard work paid off June 2008 when I graduated from college the same weekend as our son graduated from high school.

The majority of people, including my husband, are eager to begin their lives in retirement when making their move to TV. Color me crazy for looking forward to finding employment once we get settled in. I haven’t worked at a paying job for more than 17 years and am eager to have a work schedule. Yes I know whatever job I have will be a job and not necessarily a “career” so to speak. Who knows, I may end up working for a year or so then decide that I too am ready to “retire.”

I try not to think about all the choices I've made throughout my life and the "what ifs" it taxes my brain beyond belief. I'm a pretty simple person who wants to live a simple life. Remember that song by James Taylor called "Secret O' Life?" The first line: The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time resonates within me. Hmm, that gets me thinking (oh no my poor brain), I think I'm gonna change my signature to that first line in JT's song.