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Old 01-29-2024, 11:09 AM
fdpaq0580 fdpaq0580 is offline
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Originally Posted by TVTVTV View Post
One of the biggest issues Villagers have to contend with is folks not willing to pick up their dog feces. Whether it's ruining the esthetics or harming the environment, laziness of owner's responsibilities should not be permitted.

The Villages could easily implement the dog DNA program, like many apartment, condo, and other housing areas have done. Dog owners and renters would submit a dog saliva swab for each dog, and be registered in the company's database, and culprit samples are sent and analyzed. The owner would then be identified and fined. Repeat offenders would have an additional consequence. It's not rocket science.

There are several companies making MILLIONS because of this, and Villagers deserve this issue to be addressed. To cover initial costs, dog owners would pay a small fee at the time of swabbbing. This approach would likely be welcomed by the majority of Villagers. Those who might be opposed- well guess why?

Dog feces left all over is becoming an increasing problem. I hope the people and TV administrators begin to push for this type of program. Perhaps it could be voted on by residents by District, and start small and see how effective it is. Of course there are issues to work out, but what a good resolution. Google DNA Dog Poop companies- you will find success stories and how they operate in some communities. Check out this for starters.

Dog Poop DNA Testing: The Scoop On The Latest Trend To Apprehend Offending Owners
While DNA may be practical in some situations, I doubt it would work well here.
Our issue here, correct me if I'm wrong, isn't that folks don't pick up, as much as the fact that they take the dog to other properties to do their business. It is the act of trespassing and depositing filth, urine and/or feces, that is upsetting. Picking up does not return the spot to its former condition. Try picking up the same way when the dog has an accident on your carpet. I doubt anyone would be satisfied that the carpet was sufficiently clean.
Assuming that you have unrestricted use of properties that do not belong to you is arrogance, plain and simple.
This arrogant use of properties you don't own is a form of abuse. People don't like being abused. That is the problem.
"Keep Off ! It doesn't belong to you!"