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Old 02-01-2024, 05:46 AM
Lea N Lea N is offline
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Originally Posted by cricket1001 View Post
I have the best punkin, a Morkie, 5lbs, 7.5 years old, but she has such a bad problem with itching and scratching and licking her paws. I’ve taken her to a vet who gave her some medicine that only partially helped and as soon as the medicine was gone she was back at it. I’ve stopped giving her chicken, then beef, I now have her on Primal Freeze Dried Venison. Vet also prescribed special shampoo and special spray but that isn’t helping. I’m at my wit’s end. I’ve been told to get her tested for allergies. That costs I believe around $4-500 but that is ok. But I want to make sure it is done by a reputable vet that I can trust. I have taken her to Country Oaks but she sees a different vet every time she goes and they tell me different things.

I also was told to take her to this animal hospital, I don’t remember the name of it. If anyone knows where “The Dog House” groomers are, you go south past there place until the next light, take a right and I’m sorry I don’t remember the rest. But I was told I could get my Callie allergy tested there.

I also have been told to take her to Gainesville to the UofF Vet School, that they are the best. I’ve tried putting powdered pro & pre-biotics on her food but she won’t eat her food. She is a very picky eater. Any advice would be very appreciated!!!

Oh, if y’all could add phone numbers, or addresses, or websites that would help a lot!!
I'm sorry that your Callie is going through this.

A long time ago we had a German Shepherd whose allergies were so bad. Her ears would turn pink, her belly would turn almost red, the sides of her nose would bleed and her legs were red. At that time the vet told us they could run tests but weren't sure they could find out what she was allergic to. He said to give her Benadryl which hardly helped and made her drowsy.

Whatever she was allergic to was not food but something outside. Her allergies were awful during the summer and got a bit better in the winter months. But never went away completely. My heart ached for her.

I just happened to bring our other dog to a homeopathic/traditional vet to get a second opinion on a health issue, and while we were talking I mentioned Sassy's allergies. This vet gave me a list of things to try to help her. In addition my husband went on line and searched for remedy's to help our sweet girl.

Here's what I remember that worked:

1. Every time she came inside we wiped off her ears, face, legs and paws to get the allergens off her.

2. The vet gave us a special shampoo to use for her for skin and I'm sorry I don't remember what it was. We also bought organic shampoo for her that was gentle. There is controversy as to how often to bath a dog who has allergies. Some say to do it every week, others say once a month. We opted for every week and 3 times a week I hosed her off with water only.

3. I brushed her every morning and evening. She loved it and it became our special time together.

4. I cleaned the floors daily. Either vacuumed or swiffered them (we had no carpeting.) I washed them at least every other day.

We had an aloe plant growing outside. I would cut off a piece and put it in the fridge. I cut it in half length wise and would rub it on her belly every so often. She loved when I did this and I imagine it felt better but am not sure how much it really helped or if it was just everything combined.

All of this together made a tremendous difference to our sweet girl. Finally she was able to go outside and enjoy the fresh air more often.

I hope this helps and wish you the best with your Callie.