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Old 02-02-2024, 08:33 AM
ThirdOfFive ThirdOfFive is offline
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Looking at it from Rover's perspective (assuming he has one), you have to wonder if the dogs really enjoy things as described in the OP, or if they just sit silently (best case) and suffer through it. Those that can't or won't do that can cause a LOT of disruption. We saw a dog on a leash the Brownwood Farmer's Market a couple of weeks ago that seemed VERY nervous around the other dogs that were there. I remember thinking at the time that it would have been far kinder to just leave the dog at home for the duration of the market visit.

You see the same thing from time to time at stores. Publix has thankfully banned the practice but it isn't uncommon to see dogs in shopping carts, and a fair number of those, according to their body language, are fearful. You never know what a dog like that is going to do if the "fight or flight" reflex kicks in. A five-pound hairball isn't going to do much damage no matter what, but I've seen a couple of pretty good sized dogs in stores either on leashes or in the cart.

Think of the dog. I doubt very many of them are enjoying themselves in such situations, so be kind and leave Rover at home.