Thread: Check your bill
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Old 02-04-2024, 11:43 AM
flsteve flsteve is offline
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Default Publix policy

Originally Posted by ThirdOfFive View Post
Good to be alert. Mistakes do happen. Unfortunately, so do some shady practices. Caveat Emptor.

Back in the world, some years back, we began noticing that when the clerk was ringing up our grocery purchases at a certain store, the posted sale price on some items did not register; instead the non-sale price would ring up even though the item being purchased had an obvious sale poster beside it when we picked it out. Not a lot, but more than just occasionally. Also not the clerk's fault...he or she just scanned the item and the register did its thing. Whenever it would happen we'd stop the checkout process and ask the clerk to verify the sale price, which usually included a phone call from her line asking someone "in the back" to verify our claim that the item was on sale. I was always good-natured about it but not shy about speaking loudly enough so that people around and in back of us knew exactly what was going on. Of the couple of dozen times it happened we were never wrong: after about a five-minute or so delay (with the people behind us getting progressively more edgy) the person from "the back" verified that the item was indeed "on sale". The stock excuse was "oh, I guess the person responsible just forgot to take down the sale sign". The kicker was that, of all the times this happened, the OPPOSITE (where a sale price rang up when the item was NOT on sale) happened only once. And yes, I did call it to the attention of the checker.

Over time we noticed that fewer and fewer "mistakes" were being made. In fact the store eventually implemented a policy where if an item was on sale and it rang up as the non-sale price, the customer got the item for free. I guess word gets around.

In the words of Ronald Reagan, "trust, but VERIFY". It is an unfortunate fact that some merchants doing business with Villagers apparently see us more as targets than as customers.
Yes. This is the policy for every Publix. If it an item rings up wrong (on sale or not), it is yours for free.

Why? Well, probably half the people never even notice, and some probably just don't want to argue the point, which makes more money for the store; and even if they fix the price for YOU, they could still make money on the next guy. SO IT IS PUBLIX POLICY TO GIVE YOU THE ITEM FOR FREE, IN ORDER TO STOP PRICING MISTAKES that could actually be "on purpose" mistakes.

This policy is stated right at every register. Look for it next time you shop there. If they don't honor the policy, call headquarters in Lakeland and ask them about the policy referencing the store that did not comply with it. It gets attention from the local Managers after that, for sure. Ask me how I know. Information is power.