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Old 02-09-2024, 08:25 AM
ThirdOfFive ThirdOfFive is offline
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I don't think a financial penalty would A) be implemented and B) do very little good if it were. about some inventiveness? Here are some ideas designed to kill two (or more) birds with one stone, so to speak. After "X" number of missed tee times in "X" amount of time:

1: Have the miscreant do "X" number of hours of Community Golf Service. A first offender might be issued a ball mark repair tool and sent out to repair ball marks on selected courses (walking, of "rides" allowed). Recidivists? Up the ante. A #2 shovel and a wheelbarrow full of sand to repair tire marks on fairways made by negligent golfers. And so on. No more tee times until the Community Golf Service debt is paid in full, then the clock resets to zero. Of course, you could buy your way out...say $20 an hour for the assigned time of "service" issued.

2: Issue said miscreant a green shirt with a huge scarlet letter on the front and back denoting his/her sin, where he or she gets to stand (or sit) by the starter shack of his/her favorite course for a certain amount of time. The letter "A", of course, has already been taken, so that's out.

3: Post names of habitual offenders in VERY LARGE LETTERS on those message boards near the starter shack of the execs, where they remain posted for, say, six months. Should be red, of course.