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Old 02-15-2024, 07:24 AM
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Originally Posted by midiwiz View Post
That's pretty ignornt a comment. Many of these "snake oil" therapies are administered my medical professionalsespecially ones that do realize that they do actually work. Comments, such as yours, only provide empty fodder that isn't necessary. I can personally speak to "the snake oil" and really don't relish the thought of some "medical professional" (especially around here) taking to me on an operating table just because they subscribe to the FCA/CDC/WHO chain of "how to" like blind mice.

Some of these techniques have been in existance for centuries, some are new, either way our medical science has yet to fully understand DNA, yet they are the so called 'experts' .... I'll leave it at that.
Anyone who makes a post like that and believes it SHOULD "leave it at that". And if MY comment is going to be referred to as ignorant (), at least it should be spelled correctly. Remember, even Jim Jones had his "true believer" followers