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Old 02-19-2024, 03:59 AM
dtennent dtennent is offline
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In high school, the closest I ever got to a computer was my slide rule. Still have it today. I learned BASIC and Fortran in the early 70s while in college using THE mainframe that the school had using cards. In grad school, I used Fortran to do some curve fitting for data sets.

When I joined corporate America, I had to plead for a terminal to hook up to the mainframe. Eventually, everyone got a terminal which allowed folks to email, etc. Spent too much time stealing passwords from folks and making changes to their files. Usually resulted in lots of laughs but no serious damage ( well, maybe a few bruised egos) . Now I spend my time changing passwords regularly so someone doesn’t steal my personal info! How times have changed…
“There is no such thing as a normal period of history. Normality is a fiction of economic textbooks.”

— Joan Robinson, “Contributions to Modern Economics” (1978)