Thread: Grass Rant
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Old 03-03-2024, 12:11 PM
jimjamuser jimjamuser is offline
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Originally Posted by alwann View Post
Sorry, if you were expecting commentary on cannabis.

Is there a lawn care company out there that really knows how to keep a lawn healthy? One that does more than mowing. One with pros who advise you about what is necessary and when, like aeration, drainage problems, and repairing bare spots.

My neighbor takes care of his own lawn. His looks much better than mine, and I've been paying thousands a year for mowing and treatments. The other day, I asked the guy doing the mowing why my grass looks stressed and brown after cutting, compared to my neighbor's. He could only guess. Well, at least he didn't blame it on El Nino. I've had a contract with (rhymes with beans) for 11 years. It seems like their service ain't what it used to be. True, they respond to my complaints, but no improvements.
Well, that is typical of almost everything in life. The person that does it themselves has a better looking lawn because he CARES about his lawn and it gives him PRIDE. The Commercial lawn noise-makers ONLY care about THEMSELVES, not you their customer. They know that they have practically a captive audience for their services. The faster they do your lawn, the more money they make and the quicker they can stop for a coffee break. The best advice I would give is to get approval for circles of stones or mulch around your trees and shrubs in order to cut down the grass cutting area and then cut it yourself or get someone that you trust. Then read literature from Florida University about how and when to fertilize and preferably use natural fertilizers and not too much so that it does NOT run off into the nearby lakes and pollute them.