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Old 03-10-2024, 10:05 PM
Bogie Shooter Bogie Shooter is offline
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Originally Posted by BrianL99 View Post
I think your very close. I did a fairly lengthy run at putting numbers together, last year. I estimated the yearly revenue at $75M. One day in prime season of no play, using the #'s I came up with, gives me a total of $250,000. Just about the same as yours.

I am going to reiterate, there has been significant improvement at every golf course I play, in the last 2 weeks. Those courses are TDS, Palmer, Glenview & Mallory. Today at Palmer, I saw at least 8-10 "patches" in fairways and on greens. I've hardly ever seen that in TV. They're making an effort over the last 2 weeks. They've heard the rumblings.
Good news things are improving.
What have they done in two weeks for things to improve?
All I read on TOTV is it will take time for any improvement, fire pros, fire supervisors , train the grass cutters and on & on.🤦
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