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Old 03-14-2024, 06:08 AM
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Originally Posted by mtdjed View Post
While I am not a smoker, couldn't help but notice an article in today's Village Daily Sun, regarding a Brookline City bylaw being approved to ban cigarette and tobacco sales to anyone born in the 21st century. Upheld by the States highest court.

What next, Alcohol, Birth Control, Ice Cream?

So, in 2050, a person 51 years old will be buying cigarettes for their 49-year-old neighbors at $50/pack.

While at it, why not ban people born before 1980, since they have already been exposed to enough smoke.

Not picking on smokers but rather the rule makers.
i think it's bogus. on any purchase, (within reason) i should be able to make my own decisions. the US is becoming a powerful nanny-state