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Old 03-14-2024, 11:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Carla B View Post
Yes, we like soupy dishes too. When we have fish/seafood stew with andouille sausage in it, the rice is served in a separate bowl so each person can have it as wished.

We are tired toward the end of the day so often just eat soup for dinner. We (husband) and I make lots of soup before hand and freeze it in quart containers. Right now we have quarts of Zuppa Toscana, Turkey Chili, Ham & Bean, Tomato Soup ready to go. For a side, with chili, Broccoli Cornbread made with cottage cheese.

A favorite food here is guacamole. We have that usually twice a week and it is just and right that it form the basis of meals with enchiladas, tacos, etc. Husband jokes that when we married decades ago, I told him I was of German/Polish descent, but it turned out that I was really Mexican due to the frequency of Tex-Mex type food served at our abode.
Tex-Mex with apple strudel or German Chocolate cake for dessert sounds good to me.