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Old 03-19-2024, 08:36 AM
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Firstly, the claim in his article about needing to make changes to increase the amount collected for Soc Sec is completely bogus. Money deferred into a 401K or IRA does not avoid FICA in the year it is earned.

Secondly, not clearly covered in the article. There are bipartisan efforts do to away with retirement plans that involve the workplace or at least make plans available to those not tied to an employer. A large number of small businesses and all gig workers have no option to save money other than the personal IRA which is limited.

So, there are those who want to make a 401K style option for individuals that you would open once and it would move with you from workplace to workplace. No more vesting and rolling over. You open it and you use it for employer and self earned income.
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