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Old 03-21-2024, 05:20 AM
Ashley from UK Ashley from UK is offline
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Originally Posted by Two Bills View Post
Many stores in the UK invested heavily in self-checkout, but lack of use, has meant that many now are closing them.
We have always bagged our own purchases, so that is not a factor, majority just refuse to use them.
Some with one or two items use self check-out, but they are the exceptions.
The idea was to reduce costs by getting rid of staff. This is a direct result of minimum wage - computers are cheaper to employ per hour, don’t have sick leave, holidays etc. But its a false economy… the people on low wages can’t work so end up claiming more benefits & suffer worse health… end result… the money I may have saved at the till ends up going in increased taxes….ergo sum and taking to nth degree - does society actually benefit? I continue to use tills in UK & US for no other reason than to ensure the low paid keep their jobs….