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Old 03-22-2024, 09:25 AM
Laker14 Laker14 is offline
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Originally Posted by DrMack View Post
I didn’t think I would get beat up so badly by an obvious deviation of our Villages norm. You don’t normally expect to see a group of teenage to early 20 males who looked like they were up to no good sporting their plaid boxers past their mid drift trolling for the easy score at Brownwood Square. I know where our child attended high school the look was banned. Maybe it is acceptable to most, just revolting to me. It’s the gang standard in some areas of the country, just not here I guess.
You made some assumptions and assumed there would be no pushback.
You assume that because someone wears their clothing a certain way, they are "up to no good".

You didn't report what in their behavior lead you the conclusion they were "up to no good". From your OP we have to conclude that your assessment was based strictly on what they were wearing. If this same group of young people were behaving in exactly the same way, but were wearing the latest Havana CC Pro Shop clothing, would you have felt more comfortable with their presence?

Before I retired I lived a block from the local high school, where once upon a time my kids attended, and even decades before that my wife attended. It's in a small town where students of widely varying ethnicities and degrees of wealth attend. Rich doctor's kids, along with kids of prisoners of the local prison.

One day a group of tough looking kids, wearing their pants down below the boxer line were walking down my street. One of them looked at me and insolently dropped his candy bar wrapper on the sidewalk, staring at me, waiting for me to say or do something. Right behind him another kid dressed exactly the same way picked it up off the ground and admonished the litterbug for doing it. So, whatever judgements I was going to make about the first kid based on dress had to be immediately reversed.

So these young people who made you feel uncomfortable may have been troublemakers, or they may just have been young people dressing to a fashion. Something we all did when we were young people.