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Old 03-25-2024, 03:03 PM
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Originally Posted by OrangeBlossomBaby View Post
You should be using the bags that the Daily Sun comes in every day for the dogs. That's good for at least 1 poop every day!

I do re-use those plastic grocery bags to clean the little box for my cat. And I use an unscented clay-based litter, which makes the litter itself biodegradable and non-toxic to the environment (the cat's waste is - toxic. But the litter is not).

If I didn't have a cat, I'd always use re-usable bags I bring from home (I have several and do use the thermal one often).

Also, Publix has bins where you can toss your unwanted plastic bags, and they recycle them. Their green plastic hand-baskets are made out of recycled plastic too.
Your cat's waste is toxic???? I suppose it is if he has Toxoplasma gondii. Otherwise, I doubt it amounts to much compared to many thousands of lions and tigers and bears (oh my, oh my)