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Old 03-27-2024, 07:04 AM
DonnaNi4os DonnaNi4os is offline
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Originally Posted by MightyDog View Post
I'm curious as to how the Doc measured the "loss of cartilage"? I had some knee issues back in my 20s (almost 40 yrs ago) and the orthopod Doc deduced that also in my case but, I don't remember how. Anyhow, they weren't really doing knee replacements back then and it would have been drastic for someone that age.

So, he put me on another plan - which was fairly intense physical therapy (appropriate at that age) with the idea being to build up the muscles surrounding the knee to compensate for its weakness (like another commenter mentioned). It basically worked. Fast-forward decades later and I've never had either knees replaced or even seen another orthopod about them.

Which also brings me to this -- and I know it will sound very simplistic but, it is worth a try and won't hurt you to do so. For a dozen+ years, I've taken a supplement of glucosamine with chondroitin, about 500 mgs/ 4 times p/week. But, if I were new to it, I'd take 1000 mgs/ 5 per/week and if it's going to help, you'll know in about 2 weeks. If the pain subsides, keep taking for another 2 to 4 weeks and then, if you want to test it, stop taking it and see what happens.

Twice, during those dozen+ years, I ran out of it, forgot about it and, oh boy, did my joints...mostly knees and elbows REMIND ME with deep aching. I got worried at first but, remembered I hadn't been taking the glucosamine, bought more and, both times, in about 10 days...all the pain disappeared. I have often wondered if many joint surgeries could be avoided by the simple taking of that "wonder drug" that eliminates the pain. However, don't expect the Docs to tell you about it. It's a revenue-killer for them.
I suspect that you had an MRI that diagnosed your loss of cartilage. If you had fluid aspirated you would likely see floating flakes of cartilage in the fluid that was removed.