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Old 03-27-2024, 11:34 PM
MightyDog MightyDog is offline
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From Comment #54 - My wife is in the medical field and she says to think twice BEFORE you get a knee operation and think 10 times BEFORE you get a hip operation.
Couldn't agree more. I'm not anti-surgery by any means; it's absolutely necessary in some cases. But, there are millions performed every year in the USA that do not need to be. Surgeons want to operate, period. It's also how they make a living so, that has to be factored by the patient since it's a built-in conflict of interest. (The Hippocratic Oath went out the window for many Docs years ago, I'm sure plenty have noticed.) Try all non-invasive options first!

Regarding Comment #66 - I haven't read that book but, the overriding message here is really important. Better diets and appropriate supplements can make a huge difference in many health issues. I came across a book many years ago that looked so interesting. It was written by a Doctor a few decades ago whereby he claimed that most ill health occurs because of a lack of necessary vitamins or minerals. He detailed his findings and what deficiencies cause which illnesses plus what the optimal levels are for vitamins and minerals. But, grrrr, I bookmarked that book and no longer have that computer so I don't know the title or author! I will dig around and see if I can find it. Lastly, it has become commonly accepted that refined sugar is quite inflammatory and most American diets are very sugar-infused.