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Old 04-15-2024, 02:50 PM
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Originally Posted by CoachKandSportsguy View Post
Hard times create strong people
Easy times create soft people.

Be thankful that the boomers had parents from the Great Depression (GD) who taught us how to survive and passed along a strong work ethic.

I was broke at the age of 40+, 10,000 cash, 10,000 IRA, $15 VISA bill, no income.
with two kids, a witch of an XWife and needing to put 2 kids through college. Did so, and recovered all the money lost, and still have not received any inheritance or massive lottery winnings, or any direct monetary support.

worked my ass off with technology skills, took care of my aging parents, whatever they wanted / need while i lived in my high school bedroom, saved everything, paid off college loans early, and continuing through last year when I had enough.

My dad was whining once when recovering in a skilled nursing facility. I went right to :
You don't get what you want; you get what you work for

he started working towards recovery versus just wanting to go home. My wife passed this along to her deadbeat sister, who without anybody to leach off, did find a job but they also did not like her boomer follow rules mentality either. .

good luck, we deserve our hard work rewards
You needed to get that one off your chest, huh SG!
Just kidding. I appreciate your story. Unfortunately, everyone can relate to it as the 'ol saying can pick your friend's but you cant pick your family! Although in the case of a wife/sister in law, guess you can!