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Old 04-16-2024, 04:17 PM
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Originally Posted by motherflippinpicker View Post
The cons: We are too young to live in the North.

The fun is further south.

We will never be able to enjoy neighborhood parties/socials

It's too far to drive to the new town square being built of East Port.

We won't be able to get to activities easily.

We won't make friends because we will be isolated.

There's a negative stigma attached to the historical area.

We would be choosing to live in a trailer park.

It's weird up there, rules aren't enforced.

Spanish Springs is a terrible town square

Nobody younger goes to LSL

Whew... I probably forgot several. However, we don't feel this way at all. Everytime we visit we gravitate to the North. I particularly don't like Sawgrass but I would love boozie bingo. 😄

I struggle with being social and do need to step out of my comfort zone. I think some feel that I'll not do that if I'm in the Northern area.
Wow! I think the only one that might be true is: it would be a longer drive to Eastport. I just did a Google Maps & they tell me that from Orange Blossom Hills Country Club to Eastport town square is 16 miles (via car), they predict it would take a half hour. It would be up to you to decide if a drive of 16 miles is too far.

A shocking thing might be the older neighborhoods do have socials & driveway parties, & whatnot.

I am north of 44 & south of 466A &my neighbors are extremely friendly. There are driveway get togethers for as many days as you want. Could be every day - rainy days excepted. It would be up to you to join in.

As for the activities, well, that depends on what activities you want to do. I just looked at the Thursday supplement & I found Sunshine Bingo at the Chula Vista Rec Center (I think that's close to where you are looking). I don't know Sunshine Bingo - no mention of booze. Maybe someone who knows will chime in.

The rest seem kind of subjective...

As for stepping out of your comfort zone, I think The Villages is probably the easiest place on earth to do that. The invitations will arrive, north or south, it is up to you to say Yes.