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Old 04-20-2024, 05:21 PM
OrangeBlossomBaby OrangeBlossomBaby is offline
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Originally Posted by Fastskiguy View Post
We haven’t made any progress on finding hard core nursing are but we’ve got one in rehab at the moment and are trying to plan for (hopefully) coming home. Does anybody have a company or person who could help us with our bathroom situation? We think we need a taller toilet and bars along side it so they can get on and off by themselves. Father in law is 230# so we need heavy duty mobility bars (or whatever they are called). Thanks

Unfortunately, you're going to need more help. You'll either need to bring in aides for far longer than 5 hours a day, or you'll need to find them a facility that can care for them. If they didn't buy long-term insurance, it's going to cost a lot of money, either way, unless they have no assets and no savings.

My parents had long-term insurance, and the -deductible- for home health aides was $50,000 each. So mom had to pay $50,000 before insurance picked up the rest, and she had 24/7 care at home. After she died last October, dad still needed them to stay in the house, because he wasn't able to move around, and couldn't drive to doctors appointments or go grocery shopping, or any of that stuff. So he had to pay $50,000 for 24/7 care as well, even though it's the same three aides (one's a night aide who stays 7 nights a week, one is a weekday daytime aide, and one is only there daytime on weekends).

Mom died at home, with home-hospice care. After dad went through that, while my sister and I were there for the last 2 weeks of her life, he decided that he'd rather be put in a hospice facility when the time comes. He doesn't want his daughters to go through that trauma with him.

But putting him in a facility now, a non-hospice facility, would cost upward around $6000 per month, and medicare doesn't cover that. He could get 100 days covered in an actual nursing home, but what happens if he lives longer than that? The costs are astronomical and at that point, he'd have no home to return to.

I don't envy you your situation, OP. But please do consider YOUR needs as well as your in-law's needs. Don't sacrifice your own health. If your back goes out from trying to pick one of them up if they fall - who will take care of ALL of you?