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Old 04-21-2024, 06:37 PM
wisbad1 wisbad1 is offline
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Originally Posted by maggie1 View Post
An ad appears frequently in The Sun headlining "The Supreme Golf Swing" guaranteed to slash your golf score in 90 minutes. The instructions are held at the Waterfront Inn at LSL, and all interested parties should bring their 7-iron.

I signed up for the class, paid my $19 registration, took my 7-iron with me, and went to learn how I was going to slash my scores on the golf course. While the instructor was very humorous in his presentation, I'm afraid I didn't learn much except for some relaxation techniques. My bringing the 7-iron was simply a waste of energy because we didn't use it at any point in the presentation.

After the 90 minutes, the instructor said that we would all receive hands-on instructions if we signed up for his $78 three-hour program later that month. I'd say between 85-90% of the attendees couldn't line up fast to take advantage of that offer, while a handful, including myself, left for home.

Now, I'm wondering if I shortened my chances of learning the "Supreme Golf Swing" by not signing up for the three-hour advanced instructions, andI'd like some feedback from the people who attended it, and if they found it beneficial. I can always sign up next year.
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