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Old 04-24-2024, 08:59 AM
retiredguy123 retiredguy123 is offline
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Originally Posted by Heartnsoul View Post
For anyone following my post, the latest is the R.E. AGENT called me to tell me they figured it out and NOT to worry. It was a broken water sprinkler head. I asked who determined that? He said irrigation guy. He said it's fixed and all dry now. How do I know for sure. I'm under so much pressure. Husband going for brain surgery Monday. Deadline almost up. What do I do??? Attorney will charge a fortune.
I wouldn't go through with the closing. You should be able to get an attorney to send a letter to the broker and the escrow company demanding that the sales contract be cancelled. A simple letter shouldn't cost a fortune. The earnest money is in escrow and it does not belong to the broker. It should not be used as a ransom.