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Old 04-24-2024, 01:42 PM
Aces4 Aces4 is offline
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Originally Posted by frayedends View Post
No idea why the owner didn’t notice. But why buy the home? Because they signed a contract to buy the home and allowing for repairs of inspection issues. Imagine you are the seller. A new issue arises just before inspection. You didn’t know about it and you are moving to a home you purchased. You need to sell your home to buy your new home. Everything seems fine but then there is a repair needed. You make the repair and fulfill your obligation under the purchase ageeement. Then the buyer gets cold feet and backs out. You did everything right and now you are screwed.

I’m sorry but people need to understand their contract and follow them. There are 2 sides to every story. In this case the buyer should be provided proof of repair and the. They should buy the house as agreed. Of course if the seller won’t supply documentation of repair then I’m on the buyer’s side.

This isn't a simple, "the dryer vent was loose", type issue. Water seepage into a home is a huge issue and the only side to this story is there's no guarantee the fix is for the issue without time. She doesn't have this and her husband is ill. That's the seller's problem to iron out completely, not an unsuspecting buyer.