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Old 04-25-2024, 07:29 PM
Fastskiguy Fastskiguy is offline
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I want to thank everybody for the info and suggestions, you guys are really great!

It looks like our situation may be sorta working itself out. Father in law has been in and out with a compression fracture in his spine, getting booted from rehab on Saturday (2 days from now). He can walk....with a lot of assistance. He can get to the toilet...but again, not without a lot of assistance. We don't feel like we can bring him home in this condition....he needs to be able to get to the bathroom by himself 6-8 times daily and that is just not possible right now.

We thought about converting the living area to a "bedroom" and getting 24/7 help but it is really tough out there to get a reliable team you can count on. We are getting uncovered shifts now at only 6-8 hours per day!

So we are pivoting to looking for a facility. We think...though can't really be sure because of dementia....that they would like to be together at this point and since mother in law definitely needs a memory care facility, that's where we're looking.

So I guess I'd like to hijack my own thread here and ask....what's the best memory care facility in the area? We're out of pocket pay but let's assume we've got some money to spend for a high end place. We'd like to find a place fast....but he can chill at rehab for a few days on a cash basis if we need to. We're visiting a few places tomorrow. Does anybody have a recommendation?

Thanks again!!
