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Old 04-26-2024, 04:32 AM
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Craig Vernon Craig Vernon is offline
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Gas first responder for 36 years. The normal products of combustion if a gas range is properly installed and clean are carbon dioxide and water vapor both of which are harmless. There are oils installed to protect oven flame pans and spreaders during shipping, usually vegetable based oil which will smoke in the first hour or so of operation then it will burn off. There are odors which are also harmless that can be caused from contaminated primary combustion air on which oil-based products can be processed through the flame and it creates an odor that smells like kerosene. Once the oil-based contamination is removed this odor will go away a common source can be plug in air fresheners, paints, solvents, stains, varnishes and water proofing materials but there are endless others. I would imagine TECO checked for gas leaks and carbon monoxide which can only be created by a lack of primary air or impingement of the flame. Finally, and probably most likely are that you either have a sensitivity to the sulfur content in the water vapor or there are some who have an ability to smell normal biproducts of combustion if they have never been exposed to it and have lived in all electric or alternative energy source homes. Couple side opinions Samsung appliances ugh...This country has enough natural gas to fuel the world for hundreds of years and was the clean burning alternative to coal and oil that has made our air some of the cleanest in the world don't fall for agenda-based propaganda from those who have agendas that weaken our leadership in the world. Many Blessings and sorry for your difficulties.
Saving for my place in the sun.