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Old 04-27-2024, 07:27 AM
Blueblaze Blueblaze is offline
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Originally Posted by thelegges View Post
New build has St Aug it’s just weeds that has grass color. New pool installed, landscaper brought in 3 pallets of St Aug to replace what was dug up during build.

It looks like grass, pretty green nice blade grass. I asked him what the difference was. Smiled and said crap builder ST Aug, verses quality ST Aug. if would have known I would have had him replace the rest of the lawn.

Old St Aug sends out the creepers. New sod so far doesn’t have any creepers. Only 2 months old so may change. Our St Aug near LSL didn’t have any creepers either.

Just a side note does your neighbor have his lawn mowed by a company? If so they will bring in every lawn issue on their mowers. Neighbor should be more worried about what’s being put in his yard compared to a few creepers from yours
Well that's nonsense. Practically the only way to propagate St Augustine is the creepers. Its nearly impossible to grow from seed, which is why it is nearly a mono-culture. "Builders" St.Augustine comes from the same sod farm as "Mowers" St.Augustine.

And it's the best warm-season, low-maintenance grass you can own. Blue Grass is better, but it doesn't grow here. St Augustine grows in the shade and out-competes most of the weeds that infect it, unlike slower-growing grasses like Zoizia or Centipede. It's also fairly disease-resistant.

If you came here from Bermuda grass country, you'd appreciate the glory of a St. Augustine yard!