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Old 04-27-2024, 10:08 AM
ElDiabloJoe ElDiabloJoe is offline
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Are we talking stove tops or ovens? If ovens, I don't care. If stove tops - natural gas all day long. Not propane (slightly sooty smoke when propane is burnt). Like someone else mentioned, turn it on, instant heat at a constant temperature.

More importantly, we (well, Mrs EDJ) make a fair amount of our meals in the form of Mexican food. For that, you need tortillas. While the best way to get a nice cook on those is in oil on a cast iron plancha, the second best and fastest and least messy way is on a gas burner. Electric not so much.

Our "up North" place has only electric or propane options, so we opted for an induction. Far superior to electric, however, a bit of a second place to natural gas.

YMMV, My .02, etc.