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Old 04-27-2024, 12:24 PM
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Originally Posted by ElDiabloJoe View Post
Are we talking stove tops or ovens? If ovens, I don't care. If stove tops - natural gas all day long. Not propane (slightly sooty smoke when propane is burnt). Like someone else mentioned, turn it on, instant heat at a constant temperature.

More importantly, we (well, Mrs EDJ) make a fair amount of our meals in the form of Mexican food. For that, you need tortillas. While the best way to get a nice cook on those is in oil on a cast iron plancha, the second best and fastest and least messy way is on a gas burner. Electric not so much.

Our "up North" place has only electric or propane options, so we opted for an induction. Far superior to electric, however, a bit of a second place to natural gas.

YMMV, My .02, etc.
My mother used to cook bell peppers on the open flame of the gas stove. She would peel the black skins off the peppers after they were cooked and made a cold pepper salad with olive oil and seasonings. Oh, so good! You can not do that on an electric stove. Not sure about an induction stove but I think not. I prefer gas. I have never tried this but I'll bet you can cook marshmallows over a gas burner.