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Old 04-28-2024, 06:03 PM
Switter Switter is offline
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Default Recumbent trike question

I am considering buying a recumbent trike. I was wondering if anybody has experience riding around in The villages on them, particularly the multi modal paths.

Edit 6/5/24

Thought I'd give an update. I bought the recumbent trike, a cat trike 559. I put about 150 miles on it in the villages so far in the last two weeks. For the most part it's been great. I did have two incidents though.

The first was a group of people on a golf cart coming out of a tunnel who did not stop or even slow down. I had to lock up my brakes. They were too young to be villagers so I am assuming they were Airbnb'ers. It was also on a Saturday night at about 7:30 PM near Sumter Landing and they appeared to me to have been drinking. I think I'll stay away from the town squares in general.

The second incident was a lady who was letting her large dog run loose in front of her golf cart. The dog looked for a second like it was gonna run right at me (in a friendly way). I was doing about 15 miles an hour. If I would've hit the dog it probably would've been seriously injured.

Both of these incidents would've been a problem for a regular bike as well.

Highly recommend bright front and back LED lights (flashing), flag, and a helmet.

Last edited by Switter; Today at 11:58 AM.