Thread: Hacking cough
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Old 04-29-2024, 06:38 AM
LuvNH LuvNH is offline
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Originally Posted by GizmoWhiskers View Post
Once upon a time FL skies were clear blue. No lingering "smog". There were Spring rains to wash away the pollen, moderate to low wind levels. Anyone remember when we had a Spring rain?

We have a constant haze over T V for reasons people will chalk up to crazy conspiracy theory. Iykyk. Stratospheric Aerosol Injections -weather engineering. Companies all around the world are making billions off of dimming the sun in the name of climate change... to what end?

Look up at the palm trees in The Villages. They should all be VIVID green full of life. Look up. Even on a cloudless day the sky is full of haze.

Breathe it in breathe it out. Cough cough. Sure go to a doctor. Take more meds k-ching. Whatever you do wear your tin foil mask while you breath in that fresh air!

Don't get me wrong... when the timing is right, FL will get its rain. Dubai did with its cloud seeding, but shhhh.

Do feel better. I myself have been coughing for months. Yes, been to the doctor. Ya know must be "allergies" wink wink.
Thank you ............