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Old 04-29-2024, 11:09 AM
Altavia Altavia is offline
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Originally Posted by jimjamuser View Post
OK I did what was asked and did some more research. It turns out that the CSPC study that I quoted WAS peer reviewed. And the National Institutes of Health came to the same conclusion about 13% of childhood asthma IS caused by gas stove. That % is about the same as for people exposed often to 2nd hand cigarette SMOKE. An expert researcher said, "it is like having car EXHAUST in the home"
........ Also Science Direct is NOT in the top 20 of research publications. MIT decided to END their relationship with Science Direct !!!!! Science Direct is NOT a stranger to CONTROVERSY.
Australia did a similar study 2018 and came to the same conclusion about GAS ranges being a cause of childhood asthma and also even affecting adults. My main takeaway was the quote LIKE CAR EXHAUST IN YOUR HOME.
.........So, I stand by my statements and I would HOPE That state and federal governments begin to OUTLAW the manufacture of GAS STOVES. The health implications should inspire ACTION. I wonder what, if anything, Australia and countries in Europe do with regard to GAS STOVES?
I found the same in parallel refreshing my memory but there are options other than banning gas stoves.

The worst case statistics were in non-ventilated environments. The studies show proper ventilation mitigates the risk.

Building codes could (are) require(ing) gas stoves to be equipt with automatic ventilation systems to mitigate any risk.

California now requires ventilation of 100 CFM or more, or at least 5 air exchanges per hour. This applies to new residential areas, remodeled homes, or additions of 1,000 square feet or more.

But other political agendas are using this as an opportunity to attack fossel fuels.

Last edited by Altavia; 04-29-2024 at 11:31 AM.