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Old 04-29-2024, 01:03 PM
charlie1 charlie1 is offline
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Originally Posted by onfire View Post
An e-bike has a maximum 750W motor and needs to meet the classifications.

Class 1: Pedal assist only, up to 20mph
Class 2: Pedal assist or throttle, up to 20mph
Class 3: Pedal assist only, up to 28mph

As the OP stated it has a throttle, to be legal it should not be able to exceed 20mph.

If it does not meet these requirements it is a motor vehicle and not (legally) allowed on any walking / cycling paths, MMP's or diamond lanes but of course there are plenty of "golf cars" that don't meet the legal requirements either.

To the OP's question. If you keep the speed down on these paths and be respectful when passing walkers, I think you'll minimize the negative impressions.
I was told to be considered a "bike" and be able to follow the bike rules, it had to be pedal assist. If it does not REQUIRE pedal assist to operate, it is not considered a bike under the Florida Statue. Without requiring pedaling, it falls into the definition of a scooter which are not allowed on bike paths.