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Old 04-30-2024, 10:29 AM
DAVES DAVES is offline
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Originally Posted by Switter View Post
I am considering buying a recumbent trike. I was wondering if anybody has experience riding around in The villages on them, particularly the multi modal paths.
I ride a bike, drive a golf cart and drive a car. A recumbent trike? I do wonder WHY. Far as a bike there is no shortage of people around you that do not know the proper way to drive. There are some that get far too close and others that will decide to pass you without realizing there is a truck parked on the other side of the street that others will drive around without realizing what will happen NEXT.

iT IS BAD ENOUGH ON A BIKE, A trike takes up more room on the road is lower and people have less experience with them.

It also takes more room in your garage.