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Old 04-30-2024, 12:37 PM
Lyarham Lyarham is offline
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Default Ebikes

Originally Posted by MrChip72 View Post
I own an e-bike, the kind that looks like a moped style motorcycle. Powered by battery, but has pedals and can be fully operated without the battery.

I've seen conflicting information on where I'm allowed to use this. I see regular bicycles that are battery assisted on bike paths everyday. When I've ridden my e-bike on these a handful of times, I've experienced negative reactions from people.

Meanwhile, I'm just trying to avoid driving my fairly small e-bike in the golf cart lane and getting run down by someone in their SUV with diminished vision.ebikes go about the same speed as a golf cart, so why wouldn’t you ride them on the paths

I've been unable to find any clear rules about this when it comes to bike/walking paths. I'm specifically referring to the type south of 44 where they are separate from the MMPs.
E-bikes go about the same speed as a golf cart, so why wouldn’t you ride the on the paths