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Old 04-30-2024, 05:36 PM
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villagetinker villagetinker is offline
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OP, if the home you are looking at is less than 10 years old, your should be able to get the actual house plans. This will include the details of how the stucco is installed. I am sorry as I do not have firsthand experience with the design you are asking about, our house is stucco over concrete. As for painting, I believe Sherwin Williams is offering an extended warranty (20+ years ?) for painting done per their specifications. There are a few painting companies that offer this service, and in the next year or so that is what I will be doing.
I am not sure how much useful info you are going to get as it probably takes years for any problems to show up and the building specification may have changed in that time. I would suggest a phone call to some of the building inspectors to see what their experience has shown, I highly recommend Frank D'Angelo, he advertises on this site and we found him to be very good when we used him.
Pennsylvania, for 60+ years, most recently, Allentown, now TV.