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Old 05-02-2024, 10:16 PM
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Originally Posted by augustnotes View Post
No no no, don't listen to the people that say skip the uninsured and under insured motorist coverage. I was an insurance agent for forty years and we always added UM/UIM to the policy. With more and more drivers going around with no insurance or the state minimum coverage you need to carry UM/UIM. I have seen claims paid under both conditions and for the person that got into an accident that was not their fault and was suing the driver that was at fault which had no insurance it is nearly impossible to recover any money. Look if they don't bother to carry insurance you can bet they don't have many assets to go after. Look at the premium for the UM/UIM and decide is it worth it to have protection in a law suit if the at fault drive does not carry insurance or his insurance is inadequate? You buy auto insurance to protect you from liability claim in case you make an error in driving and you get sued. Why in the world would you not want to have the same coverage if the other driver makes an error and you are busted up and can no longer do the same functions that you did before the accident. Don't be penny wise and pound foolish, enough said!
Then why am I getting insurance if don’t cover me? Funny how I got have insurance but it won’t cover me when in accident. O wait I didn’t read fine print.